Question: What is the best lubricant for all stringed Instruments?
In the early 2000's, Lizard Spit Products developed the Slick Nutz Lubricant for Aero Space and the Aeronautics industry Research & Development Deptartment, but ultimately decided it should be placed in a different market. We noticed that the competitor’s tension-point lubricants were, and still are, mostly comprised of messy car greases that absorb sound and collect dust, lint and dirt, making their technology obsolete. Slick Nutz Lubricant became the answer to this problem as it is an eco-safe lubricant that is non-petroleum based. Slick Nutz repels particulates while also adding lubrication and precision accuracy when friction has to be minimized. Slick Nuts actually helps the string metal to resonate better than greases/petroleum. The product comes out wet from its needle point applicator, then dries in seconds. Musicians can use Slick Nutz on all tension-points of any instrument.